Monday, November 29, 2010

God is Good

We're all on in business as planned to ORD!
Had a great dinner in the same German place as last year. Sorry Mom couldn't go to market with us. It was very busy even though it was snowy.
More later,
Love G
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Oh the weather outside is frightful in PRG

But we have boarding passes and sped through priority security on our way to Frankfurt. I had tried to call you yesterday to check on seats for our flight (if you saw the caller Id)but there were 30 seats open so we got seats right at lobby check-in. God is good. Prague was nice but we really had enough time there with a day and an evening. Much more later.

Best reards,
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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Prague and Vlata river from castle

Best reards,
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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Somewhere along the Elbe river in the Czech Republic

Beautiful ride along the river on the train.

Best reards,
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Our compartment to Prague

First class compartment. Very civilized trip. Had a great time yesterday visiting alliance missionairies and helping with some of their projects-very neat.
More later.

Best reards,
Sent using BlackBerry

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Going to Germany in Business class!

Thank you God!

Best regards,

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